Regime’s stupidity on News Ltd says it all

We have always felt a little sorry for the dictator’s official mouthpiece, who has the thankless task of attempting to defend the indefensible, which is trying to justify the existence of the grubby little tin-pot dictatorship of the criminal Frank Bainimarama. But we cannot let the latest public pronouncement get away, which  asks us to believe that, somehow, Rupert Murdoch’s vast media empire, News Ltd, has become a “tool” of the Australian Government.  The mouthpiece states: “It begs the question that most in Fiji are asking. Is the Australian Government using News Limited as a tool to punish Fiji and cripple our economy?” Wow!  Has anyone told Rupert that his multi-billion dollar company is actually the PR lackey of the Aussie government?  And, while Rupert Murdoch might well like to add The Independent to his stable of top-notch newspapers, the Dictator’s mouthpiece demonstrates ignorance, because The Independent is in fact owned by a Russian oligarch.  Even our dumb dictator might eventually wake up to the fact that it’s counterproductive to have a mouthpiece that consistently gets key facts totally wrong.

Coup Four And A Half 24 August 2010: Ministry of Information: News Ltd wages hostile war on Fiji

One Response to “Regime’s stupidity on News Ltd says it all”

  1. ex Fiji tourist Says:

    Isn’t it great to find out that News ltd is told what to print by the Australian government.

    This LIE by sharon Goebels is destroyed by the editorials in some news ltd papers last Friday which supported the Liberals.

    If the news ltd papers were all under the influence of the Aust govt, they would have sung the praises of the alp.

    Methinks that goebels thinks that news ltd just prints propaganda rubbish; like the comedy sheet, the sun. which just churns out garbage from the ministry of misinformation.

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