Thank you Croz

Last week FDN challenged Crosbie Walsh to watch the full 9 minutes of this video and say how he felt. Croz has met our challenge and said it straight – “no normal human being could be anything but appalled by the video”. He was ‘appalled’ also by Bainimarama’s defence of the thugs and said they “should be named, charged and, if found guilty, fined or imprisoned and dismissed from government employment.” Croz also defended NGOs who have been universally shocked by the Video of Shame. He described Bainimarama’s attack on them as “nonsense”. Bainimarama doesn’t seem to understand that he will get no support from anyone but his bully boys on this issue but then Croz doesn’t understand that Bainimarama had no choice but to back his bully boys if, as some people say, they acted on orders from his office?

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