Military beatings raised by the ILO

The ILO representative in Suva, David Lamotte, reports that the President of the Ba Branch of the Fiji Sugar and General Workers Union, Mohammed Khalil, was attacked by two military personnel last week. This follows the reported assault of Felix Anthony in March. Lamotte has sought meetings with the interim government to express his concerns. Good luck Mr Lamotte. If he’d been assaulted by Police the claims would be investigated, but the assaults were apparently the work of military thugs, who answer to no-one except the military dictator.

Radio New Zealand 28 June 2011    Fiji union leader beaten by military, says ILO

2 Responses to “Military beatings raised by the ILO”

  1. Koro Boy Says:

    Good on you Mr. Khalil. We need courages people like to report to ILO, Human Rights people, and other NGO’s to report all military assults so that it could become evidence in the court so that the dictator could be tried on teason charges.
    I urge all people to raise voice and report all attacks by either police or military to the ILO, Human Rights people.

  2. Boso Says:

    The world is watching…..all those who partake in this beatings will be prosecuted in the end…….watchout guys….

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